Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliancy White Paper

Improved Inventory Accuracy Reduces Company Risks

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act mandates company leaders certify the accuracy of warehouse inventory reporting.  Poor inventory tracking practices place leaders at risk of certifying and sharing inaccurate inventory data. This white paper explores these risks that are magnified by outdated and highly manual inventory handling practices.  Download this paper to learn how other companies are reducing inventory reporting risks with automated computer vision solutions that improve the veracity of reported data while reducing need for expensive warehouse labor requirements. 

SOX Compliancy White Paper
  SOX Compliance White Paper Includes:
Inventory Accuracy's Role in Company SOX Reporting
How Manual Inventory Tracking Places Reporting Truth at Risk
Reducing Warehouse Costs with Lower Headcount Requirements
How Computer Vision Improves Accuracy and Lowers Labor Costs 
And much more


Learn how company leaders improve Sarbanes-Oxley compliancy with more accurate and automated computer vision solutions. 
